


Jacqueline C Nash

I love to read and write poetry, none of my work is published as presently I write purely for enjoyment. I am inspired by nature but my poems cover a whole range of subjects.

I first became aware of micropoetry when I joined Twitter in July 2014, and before I knew it, I was hooked. I found it quite challenging to write something that was meaningful and that actually made sense with only a few words.

Micropoetry is a short form of poem which has become popularised on Twitter.  Since the 7th November 2017 Twitter has doubled the number of characters for a Tweet to 280,  before this it was 140 characters. This will make it much easier for writing short poems on Twitter, but I don’t know whether they could be classed as micropoems. I will continue to write my micropoems within the 140 characters, if I use more I will class it as a short poem which will be posted on my Poetry Blog, you can click on the URL link below. As an art form there are no fixed rules. All of my micropoems posted are archived into three categories so they can be easily found; Other, Love and Nature.

I already had a WordPress Blog called Jacqueline C Nash Poems before I started to write micropoems. Initially, after writing a micropoem on Twitter, I would put it directly into a seperate archive for micropoetry on that blog. Eventually, I decided to have a separate blog purely for micropoetry. Some of my micropoems come from poems written on my other blog or vice versa.

I love to get feedback, so any comments would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for visiting and I hope you enjoy reading the micropoems.


Please visit my other WordPress blog Jacqueline C Nash Poems here: http://jacquelinenashpoetry.wordpress.com/

You can also find me on my Facebook page Jacqueline C Nash Poems here: https://www.facebook.com/jacqueline.nash.poet

You can also follow me on Twitter here: https://twitter.com/JacquelineCNash

Why not listen to some of my poetry on SoundCloud here: https://soundcloud.com/jacqueline-c-nash/tracks


This was my first post on this Micropoetry Blog and the photograph was taken by myself.


Mushrooms – Jacqueline Nash

Decaying tree trunk, skin peeling,
life bursting through crevices
wearing conical hats
on slender bodies.

1 Response to About

  1. noblethemes says:

    Ah! I should have read this first! Thank you for providing such a clear explanation of “micro poetry;” I think I might give it a try! 😉

    Liked by 1 person

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